Facing One's Mortatlity

My husband sat down this evening with me to review insurance policy information to see if we wanted to make any changes to our coverage. This was one of the few instances in our marriage where I feel our age difference. Day to day, we are contemporaries with the same crazy dry sense of humor about life. Looking at insurance policy coverage suddenly, we are separated by age and probabilities of who will out live who. Tomorrow is his birthday and he will be 56. I will be 39 in another month.  I think that the thing that really hit me hardest was listening to my husband say that certain coverage will cover him till he is 75 and that a certain portion would cover nursing home costs if he should have to be placed in one. We have always been open and honest in our relationship. Both of my husband's parents suffered from Alzheimer's disease so this has always been part of our dialog in regards to what will happen to us as we grow older. Just hearing him say the numbers tonight though, made me take a deep breath.  We've been together for 16 years. How many years do we have left? Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Okay. Let's keep living. No one knows how long they have with the ones they love. The best medicine for having a long life is to just keep living. And to watch reruns of Seinfeld because man, I don't care how old that show gets, it is still funny.


  1. Andrea, I am 43, a few years older than you...I pay into an insurance policy every month and I am on a prepay plan for my last arrangements. It is never to early to plan, and your children and loved one's will thank you for it when that time comes. You are young, but life is not promised...This was the best gift my mother could give me as I didn't have to do to much when her time came.

  2. Hi Yvette. It is so true that it is never to early to plan. Life is not promised to anyone, including myself. Cancer is the thing I worry about most from my side of the family, but you never know what it might be for any of us. I just can't get over how fast time is flying by.


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