Wordless Wednesday: More Images of the Fish and Oyster Market in New Bern, NC

The first image I came across on the New Bern Public Library's Digital Collection, under the Header Craven County Digital History Exhibit. I have found so many interesting images of New Bern on this site. Check it out if you have any ties to the area.

Bibliographical Information:  Souvenir of New Bern, North Carolina (New Bern, N.C.: Owen G. Dunn, Co., 1910?), 68 p. A history of New Bern produced for the Bicentennial Celebration in 1910, this volume also includes illustrations of many of New Bern's attraction and businesses. 

The other image that I love is a print I have that depicts the market around the turn of the century. It was originally published by M. E. Whitehurst and Co. 

Now If they could just come up with a way for me to go back in time through these pictures, I would get a chance to meet my Whitney Ancestors. Hey, who knows what the future may hold :)


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