It All Began With A Picture.

Sometimes, I wonder if I ever would have started digging up roots, if I had never seen my great grandmother Ophelia's picture. Ophelia Jones Bryant's portrait I featured in my first blog post. Something has happened recently that makes me ever so thankful that that picture hung in my grandmother Mary's house. Thank you grandma :) Anyway, the good news is the computer is coming! Hopefully by Friday I can get back to writing my regular posts and reading everyone else's on a large screen so my eye balls don't fall out of my head from eye-strain. My next post will probably be about the parents of my 2nd great grandmother Sarah J Harris Whitney. Until then I'd like to close with the words of Don Cornelius,......"and as always in parting, we wish you love, peace, and soul!"


  1. I can't wait!! It is so interesting that our families are connected, and I am so interested in learning more about your family research.

  2. It was a photograph that sparked my family history journey too - I now have the photo on my dining room wall and look at my great-grandparents and their children every day.

  3. That's great Judi that you have the picture hanging in your dining room. I have my great grandma's picture in my living room so I can visit with her everyday.


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