The Book Of Me: Prompt 1 --Who Am I?

As I mentioned earlier in the day, I am participating in The Book Of Me, Written By You  project created by Julie Goucher of the blog, Anglers Rest.

The prompt for week one is a recognized psychology test:

Ask yourself 20 times "Who are you?"

Each time you should give yourself a different answer. If you can go easily beyond 20 answers that is okay too. This is the sort of prompt that you can re-do at various stages of your life, perhaps after some changes or at the start of the New Year.

This prompt is about how YOU see YOU.

Who are you?

I am...

a mother
an individual
a lover of love and independence
a person who regains her spiritual center in quiet spaces
a writer
a wife
a realist
someone who is working on her spiritual self
a lover of history
a family historian
a friend
I am grateful.
I am someone who is starting to believe I am enough.
I am at the starting point for the rest of my life.
I am encouraged.
I am learning that being an introvert is okay.
I am sipping on the joy of the quiet moments with my children.
I am thankful I still have dreams and aspirations.
I am hopeful and engaged in life.
I am worthy.


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