I'm Back! Oh Yeah You Probably Didn't Know I Was Away :)

I'm back! (said in the tone of "They're here!" a la Carol Ann from Poltergeist.) Oh wait, you probably didn't know I was away. This has been the summer of travel for me. We just returned last night from a week away in Las Vegas and yes the kids came too! We had a blast. It was part business and part pleasure. Business --for my husband, who was shopping at a trade show and pleasure for me and the kids who went along for the ride. We stayed at the Rio and had lots of fun. For those of you who may be newer to my blog, I wrote a post in March of last year about how I truly hit the jackpot the first time I went to Vegas. Here's the link if you missed it:  Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness I Hit The Jackpot In Vegas!

Here's something to make you laugh. My husband is quite a character and can usually get anyone he meets to laugh a little. As we were checking in at the front desk of the hotel, he engages the guest services rep in the some friendly chit chat and then casually blurts out that during our last stay at the Rio in 2004, our son was conceived. The rep chuckled and then without missing a beat smiled at our son and said, "Welcome Home." Ha!

Yes, welcome home young man...welcome home ;)


  1. Hey I thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas lol

    1. Hi David, thanks for reading. No sometimes you come home with a little souvenir ;)

  2. Sometime lightening strikes twice in the same place.

  3. Welcome home. Your children are adorable. I love that photo of them in that artistic lighting. Glad you had such a wonderful family time!


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