Something About Me Saturday: Pictures From Our Vegas Trip 2013 --Part two

If you missed Part one, here's the link:  Wordless Wednesday: Pictures From Our Vegas Trip 2013 --Part one. It's been a couple of weeks since I did a Something About Me Saturday  post so I thought I better get back to doing it before I forget about it all together. On a similar note, I was excited to see a new writing prompt created by Julie Goucher of the Anglers Rest blog and shared by Thomas MacEntee of Geneabloggers. I think this is a great idea. It is so important to document information about ourselves so our descendants will have good sense of who we were as people so I am looking forward to participating in this. Later today I will put out my answers to the first prompt here on this blog.

Anyway, here's some more pictures from our Las Vegas trip. These were taken at Red Rock Canyon. 

Cool looking sculptures at the visitors center.

What did you say about "dry heat" mom? 
 All I know is that heat is heat and I don't like it.

Save me from the giant iguana! LOL


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