A Trip To My Local FamilySearch Center Yields More Info About Morrison Goodrich

Image courtesy of Microsoft Office Images

Okay, I am going to out myself here. I had been meaning to visit my local FamilySearch Center for the longest time and somehow just never got around to getting there. Truth be told, I didn't quite know what to expect. That little itty biity word F-E-A-R got in my way. Well this past Wednesday, I pushed that word aside and finally went.

But first...

If you need a recap on who Morrison Goodrich was and his connection to me please refer to these posts:

A Newspaper Article Reveals Another Another Brother's Talents

A Tale of Two Tenors --Part two

Now back to the subject of visiting the FamilySearch Center.
I am so glad that I went!  When I did a search on Morrison Goodrich at home on FamilySearch.org, I came across something that I had seen before but never took action on resolving.  I wanted to access Morrison's marriage record but here's what came up.

Image courtesy of FamilySearch.org.

Here's a close-up of what I'm talking about.

Image courtesy of FamilySearch.org.

So I went to my local FamilySearch Center and met the nicest folks. They gave me a tour of the facilities and resources available. I am now aware of the hours they are open and again I am reminded that there are bunches of us family history folk out there. It's good to meet some face to face. Which reminds me that I have to find time to travel and go to a conference. That is on my to do list for the 2014!

Anyway I obtained a copy of the marriage record for Morrison Goodrich and his wife Bessie Short! While there I also made a printout of his death certificate. To my cousin Jane, I am still working on digging up info!

Image courtesy of FamilySearch.org:  "District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950," index and images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XLWC-7ZK : accessed 14 Sep 2013), Morrison A Goodrich and Bessie Short, 1916.

Image courtesy of FamilySearch.org:  "District of Columbia Deaths, 1874-1959," index and images,
 FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/X2VD-VPL : accessed 15 Sep 2013), Morrison A Goodrich, 1931.


  1. Congrats on your find. The neighborhood where 914 T Street, NW is located, is around the corner from the U Street & Shaw Metro Stations. This is historic neighborhood, there are lots of music venues, good food and it is close to Howard University.

  2. I hope your story will get me out to my center. I, too, have been putting it off for way to long.


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