The Book Of Me: Prompt 4: Favorite Season --Autumn

For details about The Book Of Me, Written By You project created by Julie Goucher, of the Anglers Rest blog, please refer to this link:

Prompt 4 - Favorite Season

Do you have one?
A Happy Memory or association

Close your eyes and imagine your favourite season – write down what you see, feel, hear.

Image courtesy of Microsoft Office Images

My favorite season I would have to say is Autumn. I love seeing the colors of the leaves against a bright crisp blue sky.  The air is just the right temperature -- not too hot, not too cold. It's just the perfect time of year for exploring the woods which I didn't do much of when I was a kid but love doing now with my family.

What Autumn means to me now?

The crunch of leaves under my feet.
Picking apples.
Apple, Sweet Potato and Pumpkin pie.
Baking...lots of baking.
Family gatherings.
Kids back to school.
My October.  Hooray!
My daughter's birthday. Love that baby girl.
Clean crisp fresh air. 
Watching the geese gather to fly south.
A comfy throw on the couch.
Thanksgiving and pigging out on way too much food! (Who says that's a bad thing.)
A time for introspection.

As a child, Autumn meant...

A new parochial school uniform.
New school year, new adventures. 
After school at Mom Mom and Granddaddy Murrell's house.
The smell of grandma's fresh baked rolls or a cake.
A time when paper and crayons were my eternal friends.
Making pictures and cards for the anyone and everyone.
Couldn't get enough of my Peanuts coloring books.
My birthday --my favorite day of the year. When we lived in Cambria Heights, NY, my mother and father would host a party at the house. I only realize now how truly special those times were. Most of my family lived within a 15 minute drive from our house so the turn out was wonderful. My aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents would come. The house wasn't that big but there was just enough room for folks to squeeze in and sit for a bit, have a bite to eat and of course the best part...sing me happy birthday! The cake would have white frosting, pink flowers, and pineapple filling.

Thanksgiving at my dad's parents house. No one's Thanksgiving dinner will ever compare to my grandma's. No one's. Period. Thank you Mom Mom :)

Oh yeah and then there was Halloween. I would get a huge stash of candy on Halloween, especially when I lived in Cambria Heights. There were 34 houses on my block and my brother and I would hit up all of them, sometimes twice. I remember one year we got candy cigarettes and you would have thought we had won the lottery or something.


  1. Sweet memories. Autumn is also my favorite season for some of the same reasons, and I am a November baby.

    1. Thanks! I just love it LindaRe. It's like the perfect time of year for me to stop and reflect and then plan for what's ahead for the future.

  2. This made me remember some of my autumn memories. I was born end of August. In Detroit, that was the beginning of fall :)

  3. Ditto here Sis. :-) Autumn is the best. Family time and contemplation.


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