Something About Me Saturday: So Very Proud Of My Kids

My husband and I attended parent teacher conferences for our two kids this week. A lot has changed since we both attended elementary school. The way that math is taught now is completely different.  It's all about number bonds and visual representations of how to do addition and subtraction. Just so you know, I am not trying to imply that this is a bad thing. In fact, I think it is fantastic because it really encourages problem solving versus the just plain memorization of data.

The kids are doing fabulous in school. We couldn't be more pleased. I love their eagerness to soak up new information. I hope they never lose their enthusiasm for learning.

Anyway, one of the things I love most in life is the art work of children.  Here are some of my daughter's more recent pictures.

My son who will turn nine in January, isn't into drawing as much as he once was. He's quickly leaving the little boy phase and entering into the era of being a young man. (Sigh)  Still, his heart is pure and full of love and appreciation for the things that matter most. Here's something he wrote that's on display outside of his classroom.

My dynamic duo :)


  1. Smart Children, enjoyed their Paintings!

    1. Thanks True! I love seeing the world through their eyes.

  2. Andrea, What a wonderful post! Children's artwork is so special, and something to treasure. I still have my children's artwork, even though they are all grown now with families of their own. Your children are beautiful :)

  3. Very good art work and I think we have a future fellow blogger in the making.

    1. You know Victori, we just might. She does like to tell stories. Wouldn't that be something :)

  4. Enjoyed it all, their picture, drawings and essay.

  5. Aw, that's so sweet, and the children are real cuties! I love the meme, "Something About Me, Saturday"! I was actually trying to think of a good Saturday one this morning, but I couldn't come up with any great ideas. I love this one, and will use it! :)


    1. Feel free to use it. I started to doing the "Something About Me Saturdays," earlier in the year. I kind of got away from it, but I am going to try and get back to doing it more on a regular basis.

  6. Thank you for sharing something so special about you!! Stephani

    1. Oh your so sweet. Thanks for stopping by Stephani!


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