Finding Cousins I Didn't Even Know I Had

Finding Cousins I Didn't Even Know I Had --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

February's theme for the Griot Gram Family History Writing Group almost got away from me. I am a terrible procrastinator. I had good intentions to get a post out on Friday but then I was taken out by the flu. Darn flu! Oh well. 

The theme:

Your greatest research find that led you to that missing relative. (Feb)

There have been two times that this has happened to me. In both cases, it wasn't me finding my relative but them reaching out to find me. This wouldn't have happened though if I hadn't begun blogging about my ancestors or keeping a family tree online. So I can take credit at least for that part of each story

This first series of post is from February 2012 and it tells the story of how my cousin Rudi and his wife Sheila found me via my blog. 

 Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part one

Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part two.

Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part three

This second series I wrote after I realized that I had missed seeing a comment on my tree. This led to the discovery of cousins I have in Hawaii. I have to send a huge thank you out to my cousin's wife, Erika. You know the importance there is in knowing one's roots. You wanted to ensure your kids had this information and you made this connection possible. Thank you.

A Comment Goes Unnoticed.--Part one

A Comment Goes Unnoticed.--Part two

Thankful Thursday: A Comment Goes Unnoticed... No Longer!

I'm heading back to bed now folks. Next year I'm going to make sure I get that flu shot.


  1. Okay...okay...if you can blog while down with the flu I guess I need to get my blog done as well. Thanks Andrea you are such an inspiration to me.

    1. Girl, you inspire right back at you. :)


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