A Comment Goes Unnoticed.--Part two

If you missed Part one, here's the link A Comment Goes Unnoticed. --Part one.  So I send off a quick email to the author of the comment I found on my grand uncle William Arthur Harrison's profile page on Ancestry.com. It reads:
Sept 26, 2011

I don't know how I missed your comment from a year ago. I am sorry I didn't contact you sooner. Thank you for contributing information about William and about his wife and son. May I ask what relation you are to him? I hope this message finds you well. 

Andrea Kelleher

Some time goes by. I am nervous that I may have missed my window of opportunity to make contact. I am mad at myself for not checking my tree more thoroughly and more often. Then I get a reply.

November 19, 2011

I am his wife. (William Arthur Harrison's son's wife) Do you have any additional information about his relatives? Thanks Erika

And with that short sweet response, I knew it wasn't too late. 

To be continued....


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