A Comment Goes Unnoticed.--Part one

If you have been following my genealogy journey you know I have recently connected with a cousin I never knew about who was born in England. If you missed these posts I have the links here:   Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part one,  Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part two.Thank Goodness I Began My Blog --Part three.  Well, something interesting began to unfold as I connected with my newly found cousin Rudi. Here's the story. 

I connected with Rudi and his wife Sheila at the end of September via an amazing phone call, one I will never forget. After that call, I decided that I would go review one of my trees that I have on Ancestry.com to look at information regarding the siblings of my grandfather. My grandfather Lemuel Harrison came from a family of 13 children. I never really knew any of his siblings as a child, although I had met my grandfather's sister Carrie, but I was just too young to remember it. I went to look at my grandfather's brother, William Arthur Harrison's information.  If you are familiar with Ancestry.com, you know that you can leave comments on people's profile pages. Well, I had placed a comment after I set up William Arthur Harrison's profile page. The comment was based off information I had received from my mother. Her basic recollections about her uncle. Here's the comment I placed: 

"Married a Japanese woman. Lived in South Ozone Park. Recollection by __________, my mother."

I added this comment on November 21, 2009. 

Crazy thing is that day when I decided to review information, I noticed another comment above mine. This comment was placed on my tree on September 7, 2010. It had been on there for a year! I read it and it tells the name of the woman my grand uncle had married and that they had had a child. That child was married and had kids. I ask myself, how could I have missed this comment for so long? I write an email to the author of the comment.

Microsoft Office Downloaded Image.

To be continued.......


  1. noooooooo... lol. don't leave us hanging. I have to go back and read the originals.

  2. Wow! I never check for comments on my photos...do they send you an email or anything? Can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

    1. Hi Kristin. I don't ever recall getting an email for a comment being placed on someone on my ancestry tree. Perhaps they do and I missed it, but I honestly don't remember seeing anything.

  3. ok. so I guess I need to go look and see if I have any comments.

  4. Usually they send you an email whenever someone leaves a comment...or leaves you a message...however; I have had my User name changed at different points: 1) when I had my initial trial status; 2) when I renewed the first time; 3) when I upgraded once to World... Someone had contacted me on a User name I hadn't used in about 7 years. It took forever to try to remember the password! It ended up being my mother's first cousin she hadn't seen since my mother was in elementary school and her cousin was about 3. We finally did get reunited.

    You certainly ARE the MASTER OF THE CLIFF HANGER! ;-)

    1. Thanks for the info Debra. I guess I missed that email. I am glad that you and your cousin got reunited. Just more proof of how important blogging and having public trees are. And yes I do like a good cliff hanger :)


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