52 Ancestors: Week #7 --Mary H Mitchel Jones

I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog No Story Too Small. If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog.

This week I've decided to continue on with my Jones family line and do a post on my 3rd great grandmother, Mary H Mitchel Jones.

I remember the first time I ever came across her name was on the death certificate for her son, my 2nd great grandfather, Alexander Hamilton Jones.  What a great moment to have at last a name. I wanted her to grow and become so much more to me, so I continued digging.

Source Information:  Ancestry.com. North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909-1975 [database on-line]. 
Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007.

I have often wondered if this entry from the North Carolina County Marriage Index is for my 3rd great grandparents.

Source Information:  Ancestry.com. North Carolina, Marriage Collection, 1741-2004 [database on-line]. 
Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007.

Name and address of intended husband:  Cesar Jones 
Name and address of inteded wife:  Mary Hawkins
Date issued:  12-20-1838
Date of Marriage: 7/7/1866

I've wondered if the middle initial "H" was for Hawkins. Perhaps this record was for another couple altogether.

Mary and Cesar Jones became property owners before 1900, a fact of which I am quite proud of. I learned of this when I reviewed Mary's will.  Upon their deaths, my 3rd great grandparents were able to pass down a house and a lot, as well as 9 shares of Shepard's Point Land Company stock to their kids.  You can read about the details of her will on my post Amanuensis Monday: The Will Of Mary Mitchel Jones.

Here's an example of a Shepard's Point Land Company Stock Certificate.

Image courtesy of the book, "A Pictorial History Of Morehead City, 1714-1981"

To learn more about the Shepard's Point Land Company and the formation of Morehead City, click on this link:  

If you missed my post about her husband, Cesar Jones, you can click here.

Original Image courtesy of Find A Grave. Photo taken by Mojo Warren

Mary H Mitchel Jones
My 3rd great grandmother
Stone reads:  Mary M. wife of Cesar Jones, Born Jan. 21, 1823, died Feb. 22, 1900.
I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the faith.

Bayview Cemetery, Morehead City, NC


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