My Strongest Ancestor(s) Would Be...

My Strongest Ancestor(s) Would Be...--How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Author Jbolden030170

If you are not familiar with the Genealogy Blog Party, be sure to stop over to host Elizabeth O'Neal's blog Little Bytes of Life for more information. 

For the June Genealogy Blog Party, tell us about your strongest ancestor. 

What situation did s/he endure? 
How did s/he survive?
What sort of strength did s/he display?
BONUS for GoT Fans: How does this experience qualify him/her to sit on the Iron Throne?
Not a Game of Thrones fan? No worries. Just tell us about your strongest ancestor. 

Game of Thrones is one of those series I've been meaning to get to but there seems to be so many good shows on TV and simply not enough leisure time to catch them all. One day soon though I'll get to it hopefully.

I take it that whoever is deserving of the Iron Throne must be someone who is is extremely strong both physically and mentally. Well, I would say that honor I would bestow upon my ancestors who survived the Middle Passage. Those brave souls were ripped from established lives in Africa. They were people with hopes and dreams. They were mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. Their names I will more than likely never know but I wish to honor them. 

If I were to choose an ancestor out of the ones I've researched, I would have to pick my great grandmother Carrie Ethel Whitney Harrison. In my post Sentimental Sunday: I Have Now Lived Longer Than My Great Grandmother Carrie, I shared a little bit of why I believe she was very strong woman.  She took care of her family during a fire that took place in New Bern, NC in 1922.

You can read more about that fire here.

My Strongest Ancestor(s) Would Be...--How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
"The Planet" 1915, Vol. 1 No. 1
Image courtesy of the New Bern-Craven Public Library
Carrie Ethel Whitney Harrison
(Picture is from her high school yearbook)

My Strongest Ancestor(s) Would Be...--How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Picture of my great grandparents 
John T Harrison and Carrie Whitney Harrison.

Here are some other posts about my great grandmother Carrie:


  1. HI.

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  2. Carrie was a very strong lady to be able to care for her family after a fire like that, especially with a newborn baby. I just love the photo of Carrie and John. He is looking so handsome and formal, while she casually has her arm around his neck and is smiling away at him. Wonderful memento to have of their lives.

    1. I can't even imagine trying to deal with a situation like that with just the two kids I have. To be able to handle it all with a newborn just astounds me. Thanks for stopping by Linda :)

  3. I would have to agree with you about those ancestors who survived the Middle Passage. I love that photo of her as well and if I recall she died too early.


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