Could Simon Dove Be My 4th Great Grandfather?

So here is where we are at on my tree on my mother's side.

Harrison family line:

My mother---Lemuel Harrison--John Thomas Harrison--Thomas Duke Harrison--Simon D. Harrison.

So who's next? I know from what I have been told by Grandfather Lemuel and my Grand Aunt, Carrie, that the original family name was Dove. So where do we go from here? Let's speculate that Simon D. Harrison was named after his own father. Perhaps he was the last one who went by the Dove surname. If you saw my last post Researching My 3rd great grandfather:  Simon D Harrison, you will see where I posted a page from the 1870 census showing a Samuel and Rosanna Harrison. I am currently working under the theory that Simon's name was taken down wrong by the census taker and that this is my Simon Harrison, which would make his year of birth around 1826. So let's say Simon Harrison's father was 20--50 years of age at the time he was born. That would make him born anywhere from 1776--1806. I came across something interesting on the Craven County Apprenticeship Bond Records for the year 1788 that peaked my interest.


15 June 1788--Isaac Dove, Negro boy aged 17 years the 5th of May last, and Simon Dove, aged 14 years the 21st of January last, bound to Bazel Smith as a shoemaker.

This Simon Dove would have been born around 1774. If this Simon Dove were to be the father of Simon D Harrison, he would have been about 52 at the time of his birth. My husband had his first child when he turned 49 so this doesn't seem out of the question.

Another possibility for my Simon Dove, could be the one found listed on 1810 Census, living in Onslow, NC with a household of 4.

This is all based on the assumption that Simon D. Harrison's father was also named Simon. Perhaps it was Thomas, perhaps it was something I will never know. I'm okay with that, but I will keep searching.


  1. That is interesting because before I read the full post I thought that you should look at the Apprentice Bonds too. This is where I find my 4 G Grandfather and was bonded to a Dove...

    1. I have done considerable research on Nancy Henderson, alias Nancy Dove, a free woman of color who had several children by Simon Dove. She was, I believe, a sister of my g-g-g-g-g-grandmother Patsey Henderson, and both lived in Onslow County. I would be interested in corresponding and can be reached at lyhend at aol dot com.


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