Oops! My Bad..It was Folly Island, not Pawleys Island, SC

Okay, I made a mistake. I was researching my ancestor Augustus Whitney last night and came across information regarding Folly Island, SC . The first time I used Google to search, I kept putting in Polly Island or Holly Island, SC because to me, that is what the cursive writing on the Civil War pension file looked like. The only thing that came up that was close was Pawley's Island, SC so I assumed, well maybe back in the day they spelled it as Polly and then later it was modified to Pawley. Well, You know what happens when you assume.  I looked at the file again last night and decided, well maybe that is an F not a P and guess what came up..Folly Island, SC. The site of a staging area for Union troops during the Civil War. I found some great information on the site called the civilwaralbum. here's the link to the section about Folly Island.http://www.civilwaralbum.com/misc9/folly_island1.htm

Another good read was a Los Angeles Times Article from 2010 that centered around a man discovering remains of African American soldiers on Folly Island in 1987. Here's the link for this one.

The significance of Folly Island for me is, that is where Augustus Whitney injured his right elbow from a fall from a parapet of a fort.


  1. That was very interesting information about Folly island. First time I actually heard of it.

  2. That cursive writing from long ago can be a pain to read.


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