Amanuensis Monday: Frank Bryant And Ophelia Jones's Marriage Certificate

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I love receiving things in the mail and what a treat it was last week to receive my great grandparents marriage license in the mail. Secretly I was hoping beyond hope to find the name of Frank Bryant's father listed on it, so I could finally break down this brick wall. No one in the family knows who he was and I have not been able to find any records which disclose this important piece of information. I knew it probably wouldn't be there, but one can always hope, right?

State of North Carolina                                                           Office of Register of Deeds
Carteret County                                                                          November 3, 1911

To any Ordained Minister of any Religious Denomination, or any Justice of the Peace of said County:
Frank L Bryan having applied to me for a LICENSE for the marriage of Frank L Bryan, of Morehead City, aged 21 years, color (looks like colored is written over white) the son of __________________and Caroline Bryan, the father now dead the mother now living, resident of Morehead City, NC and Ophelia T Jones, of Morehead City, aged 18 years, color (same thing here, written over colored) the daughter of Alex Jones and Rosa Jones the father living, the mother living, resident of Morehead City, NC

     And the written comment of _________________________,the____________________________
of the said____________________, to the proposed marriage having been filed with me:
     And there being no legal impediment to such marriage known to me, you are hereby authorized, at any time within one year from the date hereof to celebrate the proposed marriage at any place within the said county.
     You are required, within two months after you shall have celebrated such marriage, to return this license to me, at my office, with your signature subscribed to the Certificate under this license, and with the blanks therein filled according to the facts, under penalty of forfeiting two hundred dollars to the use of any person who shall sue for the same.

No._______                                                                     W J Wallace
                                                                                                                       Register of Deeds

     Frank L Bryan being duly sworn says:  That the parties applying for License are of lawful age, (i.e. each are over 18 years of age), and, so far as he is informed and believes, there is no lawful cause or impediment forbidding said marriage. I further swear that the answers appended to the questions asked me are correct and true. 
     Sworn to and subscribed before me on day and date above
     W J Wallace                                      }                         Frank L Bryant 
                            Register of Deeds                                                               Affiant

State of North Carolina     }


     I, Samuel Cox, a missionary Baptist united in matrimony Frank L Bryan and Ophelia Jones the parties licensed above, on the 3rd day of November 1911 at Morehead City____________, in Morehead City Township, in said County, according to law,

L O Jones  of  Morehead
Mamie C B of Morehead
Mary E Jones of Morehead                                                   Samuel Cox 
                                                                                                                     Officiating Officer

Some interesting things to note. The registrar spelled the family surname without the "t" on the end. Also, Caroline Bryan is listed as his mother. In actuality, Frank Bryant's mother was a Jonas Bryant and Caroline was his grandmother. Perhaps this was an assumption made by the registrar or perhaps Frank felt closer to his grandmother than his own mother. Unfortunately, there is no father listed.


  1. About grandmother & mother's names...just a couple questions: when did the mother die...did she raise Samuel Cox, or perhaps was he raised by his grandmother. These could possibly account for the names listed here.


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