52 Ancestors: #11 --Annie Taylor Mitchell --The Heart Of A Family

Nine times out of ten, it is the mother’s touch that makes a house a home. From tending to scraped knees, handling the wash, or cooking the meals, the way in which this is done will set the tone, the rhythm, and the spirit of the household. If done wrong, it can bring about a lifetime of pain and wounded spirits. If done well, it’s influence will spread to generations. 
Annie…yes my Annie Taylor Mitchell, somewhere in my heart I know it was you with your kind spirit that set the tone, rhythm, and spirit of your family’s lives.  Although, you've been gone oh so many years, I can still hear the words of encouragement you whispered to your children. Your hopes are now part of our hopes and dreams for something better. Thank you seems too modest of a word to cast out to try to convey the depth of gratitude I feel in my heart for you. Your kindness and wisdom are part of my spirit now. I never met you, but I know you. I feel you. 

According to her tombstone, my maternal 3rd great grandmother Annie Taylor Mitchell was born on August 1, 1832.  Based on information on two of her children's death certificates, she was born in either Martin County or Granville County, NC. Annie and her husband Mortimer Mitchell settled in Riverdale, NC and lived out their lives there. They were parents to Alfred, Rosa, Mary, Maggie, and Nancy as well as another child who I've not been able to find any information on as of yet.

Source Information:Ancestry.com. 1900 United States Federal Census [database on-line]. 
Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.

Sadly, Annie's husband Mortimer died sometime between 1887 and 1900. She was listed as widowed on the 1910 Federal Census, still living on the family farm near two of her daughters and their families. If you missed my post about Annie's husband, Mortimer Mitchell here's the link:  52 Ancestors: #10 --Mortimer Mitchell --In Search Of Opportunity And Security.   

Source Information:  Ancestry.com. 1910 United States Federal Census [database on-line].
 Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2006.

In 1910, Annie's daughter Maggie moved back in with her mother after her divorce from her first husband, Alonza Pelham. I bet Maggie appreciated the comfort and support she received from her mother during this time. 

Annie Taylor Mitchell passed away on June 5, 1911. Her grave is in the same row as my Sampson ancestors. Gone but not forgotten. Her influence lives on.

Annie Taylor Mitchell
August 1, 1832 --June 5, 1911
My maternal 3rd great grandmother
Mt Olive AME Zion Church Cemetary
also know as Riverdale Community Cemetery

I am participating in the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge put forth by Amy Johnson Crow of the blog No Story Too Small.  If you aren't familiar with the challenge be sure to check out her blog.


  1. Her mother probably appreciated the company too. I hope so anyway.


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