Wordless Wednesday: Harrison Family Memory Board

Here's my latest memory board. If you missed seeing my first two, here are the links to them:

(Left to right -Top row:  My 2nd great grandfather Thomas Duke Harrison, my mother and my brother, my cousin Nicole and uncle Ricky, my grand uncle Earl Harrison, my mom with her dad Lemuel Harrison. Seconnd row:  My cousin Billy and his father/grand uncle William Arthur Harrison Sr., my grandpa Lemuel Harrison with his sister/my grand aunt Carrie, my great grandparents John and Carrie Harrison, my brother, my mom. Third row:  My grand uncle Robert, my grand uncle Freddie Harrison, my cousin Audrey Harrison, my cousin Kiira and me, my uncle Vincent Harrison, grandpa and me. Fourth row:  Grandma Vadnie and grandpa Lemuel, grand aunt Carrie again, my cousin Jordan, my uncle Bobby, and my aunt Wanda.)

Happy Wednesday Everyone!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Kristin! I've been having fun doing these lately. I have to say you are my inspiration when it comes to making collages.


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