Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deed #3
I know, I know...again?! Yes again, Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday. Sorry folks, Mondays have been crazy busy in my household lately. One sick child and one sick mommy make for another late post. Sorry but bear with me :)
Anyway, if you missed my Amanuensis post from last week which featured the first two deeds of my 2nd great grand uncle, Alfred Mitchell, here's the link: Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deeds #1 & #2
Here's Deed #3-- This transaction takes place between the Mitchells and a person by the name of T. A. Bell.
State of North Carolina}
Craven County }
This Deed made this the 11 day of February 1884, by Alfred Mitchell & Wife Chloe Mitchell of Craven County and State of North Carolina to T. A. Bell of Jones County and State of North Carolina Witneseth That said Alfred Mitchell and Wife Cloe Mitchell in consideration of One hundred and Sixty-five Dollars to them paid by T. A. Bell the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold, and by there presents do bargain, sell, and convey to the said T. A. Bell and his heirs a tract or parcel of land in Craven County State of North Carolina adjoinin the lands of S. Allen. Jas Bryan, Jas. Hill and Sipia Tooton and others bounded as follows on the North by the lands of Sipia Tooton on the west by the lands of Jas Hill on the South by the lands of Solomon Allen and on the east by the Lands of Jas Bryan Known as the Land we bought of A. D. Fisher and for a further description of the land refer to the deed given us by A. D. Fisher. To Have and to Hold the aforesaid tract of Land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said
T. A. Bell his heirs and asigns to their only use and behavf. And the said Alfred Mitchell & Wife covenant that they seized of said premises in fee simple and have right to convey the same in fee simple that the same are free from all encumbrances and that the will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whatsoever. Provided nevertheles that if the said Alfred Mitchell and Cloe
Mitchell of the first part their heirs, executors administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said T. A. Bell party of the second part his heirs executors administrators, or asigns, the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Dollars, according to the conditions of a certain Bond of even date herewith payable to T. A. Bell on the 11 day of October A D 1884, then this Deed to be Null and void, otherwise to be in full force and effect. But if default shall be made in the payment of the said sum of money or interest in any part in such case do hereby authorize and fully empower the said party of the second part his heirs, executors, administrators and asigns, upon written notice to parties of the first part for 90 days that prompt payment
is expected and in default there of sale will be made underthe powers of this mortgage, to sell the said hereby granted premises at public auction at Court House door in Craven County after first advertising the same at three or more public places or in some newspaper published in Craven County for 90 days and convey the same to the purchaser in fee simple and out of the moneys arising from such a sale to retain the principal and interest which shall then be due on the said Bond together with all costs and charges and pay the surplus (if any) to said parties of the first part their heirs executors, administrators or asigns.
In testimony whereof said the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
Alfred Mitchell {Seal}
Chloe X Mitchell{Seal}
Okay so brain is shutting down y'all. Sore throat, coughing. I will have to decipher what this all means tomorrow.
Anyway, if you missed my Amanuensis post from last week which featured the first two deeds of my 2nd great grand uncle, Alfred Mitchell, here's the link: Amanuensis Monday on Tuesday: Alfred Mitchell --Deeds #1 & #2
Here's Deed #3-- This transaction takes place between the Mitchells and a person by the name of T. A. Bell.
State of North Carolina}
Craven County }
This Deed made this the 11 day of February 1884, by Alfred Mitchell & Wife Chloe Mitchell of Craven County and State of North Carolina to T. A. Bell of Jones County and State of North Carolina Witneseth That said Alfred Mitchell and Wife Cloe Mitchell in consideration of One hundred and Sixty-five Dollars to them paid by T. A. Bell the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged have bargained and sold, and by there presents do bargain, sell, and convey to the said T. A. Bell and his heirs a tract or parcel of land in Craven County State of North Carolina adjoinin the lands of S. Allen. Jas Bryan, Jas. Hill and Sipia Tooton and others bounded as follows on the North by the lands of Sipia Tooton on the west by the lands of Jas Hill on the South by the lands of Solomon Allen and on the east by the Lands of Jas Bryan Known as the Land we bought of A. D. Fisher and for a further description of the land refer to the deed given us by A. D. Fisher. To Have and to Hold the aforesaid tract of Land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the said
T. A. Bell his heirs and asigns to their only use and behavf. And the said Alfred Mitchell & Wife covenant that they seized of said premises in fee simple and have right to convey the same in fee simple that the same are free from all encumbrances and that the will warrant and defend the said title to the same against the claims of all persons whatsoever. Provided nevertheles that if the said Alfred Mitchell and Cloe
Mitchell of the first part their heirs, executors administrators shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said T. A. Bell party of the second part his heirs executors administrators, or asigns, the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Dollars, according to the conditions of a certain Bond of even date herewith payable to T. A. Bell on the 11 day of October A D 1884, then this Deed to be Null and void, otherwise to be in full force and effect. But if default shall be made in the payment of the said sum of money or interest in any part in such case do hereby authorize and fully empower the said party of the second part his heirs, executors, administrators and asigns, upon written notice to parties of the first part for 90 days that prompt payment
is expected and in default there of sale will be made underthe powers of this mortgage, to sell the said hereby granted premises at public auction at Court House door in Craven County after first advertising the same at three or more public places or in some newspaper published in Craven County for 90 days and convey the same to the purchaser in fee simple and out of the moneys arising from such a sale to retain the principal and interest which shall then be due on the said Bond together with all costs and charges and pay the surplus (if any) to said parties of the first part their heirs executors, administrators or asigns.
In testimony whereof said the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.
Alfred Mitchell {Seal}
Chloe X Mitchell{Seal}
Okay so brain is shutting down y'all. Sore throat, coughing. I will have to decipher what this all means tomorrow.
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