The Book Of Me: Prompt 32 --How Do You De-Stress?

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link:

This week's prompt is - How do you De-Stress?

Anything else?
What triggers your acknowledgement that you need to de-stress?
other pains?
What triggers your stress?
As always, share what you feel comfortable - anything from nothing to.....your choice!

I love a delicious cup of hot tea! My two favorites are put out by a company called Rishi tea. 

I can't live without these. In the evening after the kids are in bed, this is my go to beverage.

If I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I try to take at least ten minutes out of my morning for meditation. It helps to settle my mind and refocus on maintaining a positive mood. 

Music is very helpful for me as well. One thing that is funny about me is that if I'm feeling down I tend to search out sad or serious music. There's something about hearing someone else's pain that reminds me that I am not alone and that I too can get through my struggles.   

"Washing Of The Water" 
by Peter Gabriel

I love being distracted by a good movie too. Preferably, something I haven't seen before. This would allow me to lose my self in someone else's story-line for a bit. A distraction like this sometimes gives me enough of a boost to then tackle whatever thing or task that was stressing me out. 

What triggers your acknowledgement that you need to de-stress?

If I start getting snippy with my loved ones, then that's usually a sign I need to de-stress. Also, if I start to feel like I can't even begin to get something done because the thought of it is just so overwhelming, then that too is usually a sign. When I take time to take care of myself, like treating myself to a pedicure or poking around a shop like Ulta Beauty for a new lipstick then I usually get the lift that I need to get back to business.

What triggers your stress?

Keeping on top of my kids busy schedules can sometimes get me stressed. The week at times seems like a blur of homework assignments, after-school sports, and weekend birthday parties at Chuck E. Cheese.  It seems like it is a constant battle to maintain balance between getting it all done and having time for myself as well as couple-time with the hubby. However, I can say that I am better now at maintaining that balance than I was in the past. So for that I guess I get one of these.

Image courtesy of  stockimages Stock Photo - image ID: 100100175/


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