Mappy Monday: This Is A Bit Random But It Kind Of Made My Day.

181-15 N. Conduit Ave, Springfield Gardens, NY
Street view --September 2013
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

Image courtesy of Google Maps.

You know what is funny. I don't even remember why I went to pull up a picture of my maternal grandmother Mary Bryant Horton's house this morning, but whatever the reason was doesn't really matter. Bringing up this image on screen kind of really made my day. This is why.

Back in June of last year I wrote a post called, Mappy Monday: Bits And Pieces Of My Childhood. In that post, I shared how my grandmother was very proud of her home and I featured a few pictures that were taken in her yard.  At the end of the post, I showed an image of her home that was on Google Maps that just about broke my heart.

Here's that picture:

181-15 North Conduit Ave --August 2012.
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

To get a full sense of the evolution the home went through I went and used Google's new tool where you can go back in time on street view. If you haven't had a chance to use this feature, check out this link, it will show you what to do:

August 2007
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

September 2009
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

August 2012
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

September 2012
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

September 2013
View from another angle.
Image courtesy of Google Maps.

When she was alive, my grandma worked hard to take care of that house. Seeing the September 2013 street views, has returned some sense of peace to my heart. I sure hope that the home doesn't fall into disrepair again.


  1. Wow! I never knew about that feature. I wonder if some of my old family homes have taken an upswing. Also, I wonder how far it goes back!

    1. Take a look and see Kristin. Maybe some of your family homes have taken upswing. Here's hoping.

  2. Wow, interesting feature. I never knew about this.

    1. I am glad I was able to pass on some useful info :)

  3. This was Great! I try to use it. Most of my homes so far are gone or the street address is off. These were great photos as well I hope it stays like that on the upswing too. Thanks for sharing how to do this!

    1. Your welcome True. Don't you just hate that when the street address is off? I've had that with a couple of my addresses and then I am yelling at the screen. That's not the house LOL!


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