The Book Of Me: Prompt 37 --Feeding The Animals

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link:

Prompt 37: Feeding the Animals

This week’s prompt is – Feeding the Ducks (Animals)

Think back to your childhood. Did you feed the ducks?

Do you remember the excitement of the event?
Were you scared of the ducks?
Who were you with?
Do you perhaps still feed the ducks?
Of course you substitute the ducks for farm animals or pets.

One of my favorite memories of childhood was going with my family to take my older brother to sleep away camp in Pennsylvania. I think this particular memory occurred when he went to a place called Harmony Heart Camp. I had to have been about four or five years old. I'll have to ask my brother when I get a chance if I am right about the age. Anyway, I remember getting out of my parents car and walking over to where there was this wooden fence. What was most intriguing about the fence is that there was a pair of hooves peeking out at the bottom of it.

I had never been so close to a horse before so it seemed kind of surreal. Those hooves were huge! Then poking through the fence appeared this mouth. It just seemed so strange and interesting all at the same time. 

I think I either asked my parents or someone who was caring for the horses if I could feed them. Someone said sure and then that was it. I was tearing up grass to feed that horse. Rip, rip, rip. I kept ripping up grass and feeding that horse until the horse was satisfied. I would have stayed there all day feeding him but we had other things to attend to.

I just remembered I have a picture of my parents posing in front of our old green Plymouth parked at the camp. Here's the link to that post: Wordless Wednesday: My Parents.


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