The Book Of Me: Prompt 50 --Godparents

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link:
This week's prompt is - Godparents

Did / Do your Godparents feature a great deal in your life
Do you know your Godparents?
How do they link in to your family?
Other stories or influences from your Godparents
Are you Godparents to anyone?

When I was younger, I would see my Godparents usually over the Summer or during Christmas. That's when they would usually be in town visiting my aunt, Rosa Bryant Sanders, one of my maternal grandmother's sisters. My Godmother was the daughter of another of my grandmother's sisters, Loris Bryant Gwyn Helton. Her name was Melba Gwyn McCarther and she was married to my Godfather Trevathan McCarther until her death on March 22, 2011.

Melba Lee Gwyn 
My Godmother when she was a baby. So cute!

Melba's high school graduation picture.

Melba McCarther
(January 25, 1945--March 22, 2011)

Since Melba's passing, my Godfather found love again and remarried. I met Gloria his new love back in 2012 when I visited Morehead City for my Aunt Rosa's funeral. She's a lovely lady.

 My brother David, My Godfather's new wife Gloria,
 my cousin Keisha, and my Godfather Trey

I remember it was a real treat visiting my Aunt Rosa's house when my Godparents and my Aunt Loris were in town. The house would be filled with talk and laughter. Oh those were good times. I carry many good memories. 

As the years went on, we didn't see each other as often. I always carry their love with me though. 


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