Deed to 1510 Lincoln Street Reveals an Interesting Connection

My researcher friend from New Bern has been a tremendous help to me of late. She helped me locate the deeds for Thomas Duke Harrison. The first deed is for the house on Lincoln Street.

It turns out that William Sutton was a pretty impressive figure in the Methodist Church at the time. 
Here is an excerpt from a book called, "History of the American Negro and His Institutions. Vol 4" by Arthur Bunyan Caldwell.

It turns out that the Eastern North Carolina Industrial Academy was located on Williams St. The same street where the church where Thomas Duke Harrison was pastor of was located.  I will mention what I found regarding the other two deeds for "The Duke" on my next post.


  1. This is full of wonderful information...I can't wait to see your next post. What I like so much about this, is that even though this is your history in NC, this is also all "our" (African & Indian) history in North Carolina. We are a great people and I love this...History we should all know.

  2. Thanks so much for your comment. I know what you mean. There is so much history that we are just not taught and now with the internet, it's a blessing that we can all take part in passing information on and continuing our educations.

  3. I really appreciate this article. I am researching my grandfather, William Sutton, and I am so proud of his accomplishments.

    1. I am so glad you found this article helpful. Yes your grandfather was a very accomplished man! Thanks for stopping by.


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