John Thomas Harrison Sr. continued

Funeral Program Part One

Funeral Program Part Two

Obituary from New Bern Sun Journal
June 25, 1974

My great grand father John Thomas Harrison Sr., was a tailor until he passed away in 1974. He had worked most of his life for Hills Tailoring Co. in New Bern. I was able to pull up an article online regarding the place he worked from "The Illustrated City of New Bern, North Carolina, 1914"

HILL TAILORING COMPANY.—Makers of clothes that gentlemen wear. Among the high class tailoring house of this city, that of the Hill Tailoring Company is worthy of prominent mention. The location of the concern is in the heart of the city at 79 Middle Street, with phone 740. Mr. H. M. Hill is the proprietor. He is one of the city’s well known business men and stands among the very leaders in the tailoring trade. He carries an immense stock of high-class suitings and turns out the most fashionable and perfect fitting garments at reasonable prices. This business has been established for three years, and keeps steadily growing in volume.

Before he was a tailor, he had a connection to Pepsi. Well, a lot of people from New Bern have a connection to Pepsi, since it is the birthplace of Pepsi Cola. My great grandfather was a porter at one of the Bradham's Drug Co. locations in New Bern according to the 1916 "Official Directory of the City of New Bern" published by Chas. S. Gardiner. I think if he were alive today we might have to have a discussion about the age old battle of "Coke vs Pepsi", because I prefer Coca Cola. Nah...We probably would have a talk about a few other things first.


  1. No matter the topic, what a gift it would be to spend time with our ancestors!

  2. I like that you have an obit of your Great Grandfather from St. Peters AME Zion Church...I think I like Coke.


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