Wordless Wednesday: Could This Be A Picture Of My 2nd Great Grand Uncle And Aunt?

Could this be a picture of my 2nd great grand uncle and aunt?
Possibly, William Henry Jones and Emma Shepard Jones.
William was a brother to my 2nd great grandfather, Alexander Hamilton Jones. Recently, I connected with a cousin who so graciously shared this picture with me. She inherited a suitcase of pictures from her father and she believes that this is a picture of her grandfather's parents. It was the oldest one in her collection.


  1. Wow! A suitcase of pictures! Awesome!

    1. I know my mouth dropped open when my cousin told me about this.

  2. Wow!!! That is amazing about the suitcase of pictures. I hope you can find out who these two relatives are.

    1. I know. I hope we are able to confirm for sure that this is a photo of them for sure. I'll keep you posted.


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