Something About Me Saturday: Do You Remember The TV Show "The Phoneix"?

Okay this post came up in a completely random fashion today. I've been hanging out with my best friend chatting and somehow we got on the subject of 70's and 80's TV shows. Specifically, it started when she mentioned the show "The Phoneix."  Now don't ask me how this came up in the conversation. We've been laughing about random nonsense all afternoon. But that's when I thought to myself, I wonder how many other people remember this show?

Here's a clip.

"The Phoneix" circa 1982

This show description came straight up from Wikipedia:

The Phoenix is a 1982 television series starring Judson Scott which was on ABC for about one month. The plot revolved around an ancient extraterrestrial named Bennu of the Golden Light, who is discovered in a sarcophagus in Peru and awakened in the 20th Century. The series was first seen on a TV-movie on April 26, 1981

After viewing this, my friend and I got to talking about other TV shows we watched while growing up and we noticed a common theme emerging. It seems that we both grew up watching a lot of cheesy sci-fi. 

Here are a few we got to talking about.

"Shazam"  1974--1977

"Manimal" circa --1983

"The Powers of Matthew Star" circa 1982--1983

"Misfits of Science" circa 1985--1986

Now this last one is for my brother. I know he will laugh his butt off when he sees this.  

"Land of the Lost" circa 1974--1976


  1. I missed all of those. We didn't have a tv then.

  2. I remember the "Land of the Lost" but it was not a show I enjoyed. I don't remember any of the ones from the 80s, busy with babies.

    1. I watched "Land of the Lost" as reruns when I was little. I mostly remember the song and singing along with it. The intro was so corny. It still makes me laugh.

  3. Did not see The Phoenix, but I like a phoenix theme. These shows were on when our kids were growing up, and so they were mostly the ones in our house who were watching TV. But the one I really remember is "Land of the Lost." That was really scary to our kids. Especially, our daughter (years younger than our son) wanted me to watch it with her. Big roaring dinosaurs coming out of nowhere!

    1. Those dinosaurs were scary. I just loved singing along with the theme song, then I took cover. Now when I look at the intro, I just laugh because of how cheesy the special effects look now.


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