Together In Life And In Death

Jones Family Graves
Bayview Cemetery, Morehead City, NC

I featured this picture on this blog quite some time ago but I thought it would be good to highlight it again. I am so thankful for knowing where my Jones ancestors were buried. On my post, The Kindness of Strangers, you will find closeups of some these graves as well as how this picture came about.

Esther Lincoln Jones and Louis Oliver Jones --2nd great grand aunt and uncle.

Alexander Jones --2nd great grandfather
Cesar M. Jones --2nd great grand uncle
Violet Jones Devaughn --2nd great grand aunt

Cesar Jones and Mary H. Mitchel Jones --3rd great grandparents

Fred Douglas Jones --1st cousin 3x removed, child of William Henry Jones and Emma Shepard Jones.

Unmarked grave --unsure at this time who this was. I believe this may have been a child of William Henry Jones and Emma Jones due to the size of the cement slab and that the burial is right next to Fred Douglas Jones another one of their children.

Emma Shepard Jones --2nd great grand aunt

It is a blessing to know that they are all at rest together. Last week, I showed on Thankful Thursday: Thankful To Have Found Elizabeth Jones, the will of my 2nd great grand aunt. Currently, I don't know where Elizabeth Jones was layed to rest. Perhaps she was buried in Philadelphia, the city where she lived before she died. Or perhaps she is at rest somewhere near the rest of her kin at Bayview Cemetery. I will let you know if I find anything out.


  1. How far back have you gone with your Jones Ancestry? Thank you for this post.

    1. The furthest I've gone back is to Cesar Jones b. abt 1821 in Onslow County. I don't know who owned him before the Civil War yet. My current guess is that he may have been owned by Edward Starkey Jones of that county but I don't have much evidence yet to support this.

  2. There is something about seeing the first names by the grave markers that is extremely moving to me. Even though these loved ones are not "there," they are still near each other. It is a wonderful metaphor of memory, and very powerful. Thank you.

    1. I feel it is very powerful too. The researcher who took this picture added the names like this. It's a great shot that illustrates family connection. Thanks for your comment.


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