The Book Of Me: Prompt 60 --Family Traits

The Book Of Me:  Prompt 60 --Family Traits  How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link:

This week's prompt is - Family Traits

Do you exhibit any family traits?
Do you even recognize them or simply accept them as face value?
Do traits exist or are they simply a coincidence?

The Book Of Me: Prompt 60 --Family Traits --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey Rosa Bryant Sanders, Ray Bryant, Loris Bryant Gwyn Helton, Linwood Bryant, Mary Bryant Harrison Horton, Frank Bryant and Eloise Bryant Grigsby
The Bryant Siblings
From left to right:  Rosa Bryant Sanders, Ray Bryant, Loris Bryant Gwyn Helton, Linwood Bryant, Mary Bryant Harrison Horton, Frank Bryant and Eloise Bryant Grigsby.

I think I exhibit a few family traits. My Bryant family line is known for their no holds bar sense of humor. I think I carry a bit of that. Bryants don't mess around when it comes with discipline either. My grandmother's generation were not "time out" people. If you did wrong be prepared to face the wrath.  I think mine is toned down a bit and I do use time outs but my kids know for sure when I am not messing around. 

If I look at my Harrison family line, I would say a trait that I have inherited from them is a sense of style. Harrisons love clothes and to dress well. That's something my mother has definitely passed down to me and it has gone forward into my daughter now. She can put together an outfit right down to the shoes. She'll then coordinate the perfect hair accessory to go along with the whole ensemble. She is definitely my mother's grandchild. 

The Book Of Me: Prompt 60 --Family Traits --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

My paternal grandfather, Harold O. Murrell, was a tinkerer. He could take apart a broken radio and figure out what was wrong with it, fix it and then put it back together again. I think my brother has definitely inherited this ability because he is a technician with Verizon. Me not so much, except perhaps it comes out in my ability to solve jigsaw puzzles.

Okay tomorrow is the last day of the year. Let's see how many prompts I can get done between now and then. Ready, Set, Go!


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