The Book Of Me: Prompt 62 --Is Blood Thicker Than Water?

The Book Of Me: Is Blood Thicker Than Water?  --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

If you are not familiar with this wonderful project that was created by Julie Goucher of the Angler's Rest blog, please refer to this link:

We all have them.

Family that are like friends
Family that are like acquaintances
Friends that are like family
Friends that are new, but seem old ones!
Family members that are like strangers
Emotional links to generations past?
Does it matter how we feel about the friends and family we have?
Is it a case of when the times comes family comes first?
Define good friends
How do you distinguish friends -
long term friends
does it not matter

Does it matter how we feel about the friends and family we have?

I can only speak for myself. Other folks may feel the same or it may be different for them. I hold my family in my heart. Family when I was a child was a connected group linked by blood and proximity. I was lucky. I was able to see and get to know quite a few of my blood relatives while growing up. The sense of connection was fostered by family gatherings. There was usually a birthday party or holiday gathering that would bring the family together on a regular basis. As a result, I have many wonderful memories of folks who have since crossed over. I think when we know our family blood lines we gain a better sense of self. I was given roots to grow into the person I am now.

Blood isn't the only basis for having a strong connection.  I think proximity is necessary to foster strong relationships. This is why I think as we grow older and move away from the family "homeplace" we take in friends who become family. The proximity fosters a relationship. It allows people time and space to grow together and learn from one another. 

Now that we live in the internet age, we have virtual friends. These are folks from all walks of life and from all parts of the world. I think that friendships that develop online can evolve into relationships that can become quite intimate. Online communication has a sense of anonymity that can lead to people being more open to sharing their innermost thoughts. I think virtual friendships are in general a great addition to the support networks we have in our lives.

Is it a case of when the times comes family comes first?

I would like to think that I have a network of support established that would not make me choose one over the other. 

Well folks, it's time for me to admit that I am not going to get all caught up on these blog prompts before the New Year. That's okay though. At least I am a little closer to the finish line. I'd like to wish everyone much health and happiness in 2015!


  1. I was lucky enough to have a family close by and connected like that too. Great take on the prompt. I have yet to do mine for this one, but I'm inspired by your post.

    1. Happy New Year to you Kristin! I am glad this provided some inspiration. I want to get caught up on all these prompts by the weekend. Wish me luck.

    2. I hope you did it! I wonder how many have finished.

    3. Hi Kristin, Still working on them but I can see the finish line is close. Hope to finish prompt 67 today.


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