Something About Me Saturday: One Of My Favorite Places

My husband and I absolutely love Cape Cod. We usually make a trip there once a year. We find it is just the best place to recharge our engines.  I like quiet beach vacations. No Jersey shore for me folks. I like places where you can hear your thoughts and connect with God. The outer Cape is a great place to do just that. These pictures I believe are from 1999 or 2000 and were taken in Truro, Massachusetts.

Corn Hill Cottages in Truro, MA


  1. Anywhere near water is peaceful, love the photos with the ocean in the background.

  2. I love hearing about your ancestors but I also love when you do a post on your life right now, you and your beautiful family. That's a wonderful corner of the world you found to recharge your spirit in.

    1. I loved it when we stayed there at Corn Hill. This was before we had kids. We stay in a different place now that is a bit more family friendly. Maybe when they are a little older we will go back there again.

  3. A great bunch of photos. You and your husband look so comfortable and at peace. But isn't that water on Cape Cod really cold? I guess it's not about the swimming, though . . .

    1. The water is cold. I usually just wade in. My husband and kids don't mind the temperature though. It is beautiful being by the water.


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