This Post Is Dedicated To My Newly Found Cousin.

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I wrote this yesterday shortly after I spoke with a newly found cousin. I thought I should post it just to remember the moments of our conversation. I am sure many of you can relate to the sentiment.

Yes! I made contact with another cousin. Hooray! This cousin was searching out information on her grandfather and came across my blog by means of a simple Google search. One of the reasons that the word “Amazing” is in my blog title is for when situations like this happen. How is it possible that we should connect?  No word seems to fit better than “Amazing.” 
She was so appreciative because she knew only so much. I was so appreciative because I knew only so much.  We shared. We laughed. Her thanking me for the information almost brought me to tears. This information is not mine. This message is not mine, but I will gladly be the messenger.

These are just some ramblings I had rolling around in my mind. Details to come. 


  1. Can't wait to read the details, Andrea! I can imagine you were ecstatic to make that connection!

    1. I am ecstatic Jacqi. I hope to have a post out in a couple of days.

  2. That's wonderful story!!! I can't wait to read your blog next time. Thanks for sharing!!! :-)

  3. What a rewarding moment! Times like these bring tears to my eyes, and convince me all over again that genealogical research is terrifically worthwhile.

    1. It certainly is worthwhile. It is a beautiful journey.

  4. Congratulations Andrea on making a new family connection. Boy I know exactly how you feel because I just found a new cousin via Ancestry this past Sunday! The information we have shared so far has been GLORIOUS!

    1. Oh that's wonderful Liv! I am so happy for you. That feeling of connection is Glorious!


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