Funny Friday: I Just Couldn't Help Myself

I'm sure those of you who read my blog can probably relate to this. A neighbor of mine is moving and she's in the process of clearing through old papers and items she doesn't need anymore. She's a sweetheart and when she does leave I am going to miss her terribly. Anyway, during our recent conversation she said that she just wanted to get rid of all this old paperwork. She said she even threw out her grandfather's discharge paper from the Civil War. When she said this, I did one of those slow motion yells you only see in the movies. You know like.....

I told her how upsetting this was to me. She said, "Oh, you couldn't even read the darn thing. It couldn't be worth anything." I said if she still had it I would want to keep it, just for sake of the history linked to it. We talked casually for a bit longer and then she returned home. A short time later, I heard a knock on our door. She was back and thankfully she hadn't thrown out her trash yet. The document was in pieces and faded but it still was legible. I scanned it so I could work off of that instead of handling the original. With the information on her grandfather's discharge paper, I was able to trace back part of her family tree. I located her grandfather's burial place as well as the burial place of several other ancestors. I printed out all my finds for her and dropped them off, hoping I was able to uncover some information about her family she hadn't known about. She was appreciative. I returned home smiling and then I had to laugh at myself. Here she was trying to clean house. She tried to get rid of one piece of paper and I managed to turn it into ten. Ha! I bet that is the last time she brings something my way. (smile)


  1. does make you wanna Holler! Good Save!

    1. Thanks True. I was so shocked that she was going to throw it out. I just couldn't believe it.

  2. At first I could only gasp...thinking that such an important document had been thrown out...torn up, no less! Then, when I got to the bottom, I couldn't help but laugh out loud! You're too much! ;-)

    1. Ha! I had to laugh. Here she is cleaning things out and I am just making more paper work for her. :)

  3. Good work! Maybe there's some place that would want to keep that paper.

    1. Hi Kristin. She may keep it after all. If not, my husband and I will find it a good home and it definitely won't be the trash.

  4. Well, I'm right there, screaming with you! But funny that you ended up giving her back more papers than she managed to toss! Hope this sparks an interest for her in her own roots. What a priceless possession to have...

    1. Priceless indeed Jacqi. If I only had the Civil War discharge papers for one of my ancestors. :)

  5. OMG! I know exactly how you felt! Actually I felt a loud NO bubbled up inside of me while reading this -- LOL! I am so glad you saved that document. . .WHEW!

    Okay sis, I'm thinking back to another post you shared recently stating you were not quite sure what you're doing. Well this experience is all the proof you need to know you do know what you're doing and that you are growing as a family historian in every way.

    1. Oh thank you so much Liv! Sometimes I am just amazed at how I got to this place. This space that I am in right now with my research and the blog. I've learned so much but still have so much more to learn and do. That's why I find the name of my blog very fitting for me.

  6. What a save, we can just imagine how many other documents were lost over the years because it was "some old thing."

    I like your new template.

    1. Thanks Claudia! It felt like it was time to spruce things up. New look.

  7. Wow, what a great story! It makes me think of how many other people out there are cleaning house and doing the same thing. I'm glad you turned the situation around!

    1. Hi Heather, I know what you mean. So many things are lost because people think, "Who would want this junk?" Little do they know that their junk is treasure. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. WONDERFUL!!! Good on you Andrea... that sure "warms the cockles of my heart" :-) Catherine

    1. Hi Catherine! How are you? I was wondering if you've done any DNA testing? The reason why is that I ordered a 23 and me DNA test for my husband and it would be interesting to see if we could find out if you too are indeed distant cousins. Just curious, you know. Hope all is well.

    2. G'day Andrea... No, haven't gone down the DNA testing path and haven't yet been able to trace my GGGrandmother, Susan Kelleher's, familyin County Clare, Ireland. However, that's one of my major priorities for 2013 so maybe we'll find a link in that way? That sure would be fun, eh? We're all doing fine thanks "fingers crossed & touch wood" ha ha ha... you can see my superstitious "Irish Gene" there, to be sure.

  9. All I can say is you did a great thing and went the extra mile. Hopefully, she will see some importance in those old documents. Funny that you gave her more paper back than she gave you. If we aren't alert many of those old documents just disappear.




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