Wordless Wednesday: A Handsome Young Couple -- My Parents

Wordless Wednesday: A Handsome Young Couple -- My Parents --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
Dad and Mom
Looks like the picture was taken in the living room at my grandfather Lemuel's house. My parents met while attending school at Hofstra College (now Hofstra University) in Hempstead, Long Island. I love this picture because they look so handsome and happy. They have that glow that comes with having their whole life in front of them.


  1. Lovely picture, you look like your mother.

    1. Thanks Claudia! I get that a lot now. It's funny when I was a kid I thought I favored my dad more. Especially around the eyes. Now though I am definitely following in my mom's footsteps. :)

  2. I sure do see you in your Mother!

    1. Thanks True! We sound alike too. Can't get away from that DNA :)

  3. great looking parents you have there. Oh, I see Santa Claus so this had to be a wonderful time....

  4. Such a handsome couple! Lovely photo Andrea!

  5. Reckon they seem to also glowing with the happiness of having found "the love of their life" :-) ... Am wondering if this is your mum's Graduation Day because of the photo and cards on the Dresser behind? Lovely picture!!!

  6. I love pictures like this. They do look happy & gorgeous. What were they like?

  7. I think you do have your dad's eyes in your mother's face.


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