My Husband's 23andMe Results!

So what's in my husband's DNA closet?
Image courtesy of  Idea go/ Free Digital

Let's just say his results were a bit more homogeneous. My husband's mother was of English and Irish descent while his father's family was just Irish. I thought perhaps that there was something in there that he didn't know about. Perhaps just a little something, something?

Here are his results:

Image courtesy of 23andMe.

That's right folk, I am married to the whitest man in America! Okay maybe not the whitest. I think that title went to Stephen Colbert when he was featured on Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s Faces of America series. If you missed Stephen Colbert's DNA reveal, here's a link to an episode of him on his own show The Colbert Report with Gates as his guest. I think my husband may be able to give Stephen a run for his money. Ha!

Taking a closer look at his European roots, 23andMe was able to provide a little more detail about his genetic make-up.

Image courtesy of 23andMe.

Image courtesy of 23andMe.

Image courtesy of 23andMe.

So far on my husband's Relative Finder he has 989 potential cousins. I guess we better get to emailing people.


  1. that might be the "Whitest" I've seen! He had some breakdowns. Surprised no AA in him also. That was even more unusual. Love the Ancestry Composition!

    1. I was surprised there wasn't a little bit of something else in there. Yeah, I like how they do the Ancestry Composition too.

  2. I have never seen an ancestry composition like his. He is a true White Man!! Congrats and you found him. ;-)

    1. I've never seen one like his either. When his results came I looked at the Ancestry Composition page for a good minute, like I was waiting for something else to pop up in the results. LOL. Then I realized, "That's it." :)

  3. Everybody can't be as exciting as we are :) I've seen others like this. There are plenty.

    1. I like that Kristin. We are pretty exciting aren't we :)

  4. Thank you for sharing this report! (I wonder what nonspecific Northern European includes . . . ?) That's so whimsical, that your husband and Stephen Colbert share the title of "whitest." Thanks for the link -- I love listening to Skip Gates. I hope that a few hundred years from now, if we haven't destroyed the planet, all the "races" will be mixed and maybe THAT will strike the final blow against prejudice at last. I just saw the lovely pics of you and your daughter. Her hair is simply outstanding!

  5. Thanks for sharing this blog. Through this report i analyzed many things which is not i already no.
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