New! Something About Me Saturday

New! Something About Me Saturday --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey

I think I am going to start a new tradition on Saturdays and write something about me. At some point, I am going to cross over and become one with the ancestors. I need to make sure my kids and future descendants know a little something about Andrea Kelleher. So here goes.

I have dabbled in quite a few things in life. In high school, it was creative writing. I wrote a few short stories and some poems too. A couple of those poems were published in my high school's creative writing and art magazine called Dimensions. Here's two of them. (Warning! These were written when I was seventeen. You may detect a bit of teen angst.)

New! Something About Me Saturday --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
"A Loss of Innocence" by Andrea Kelleher

"Drowning" by Andrea Kelleher


  1. I think that sounds like a fabulous idea! It is so important for us to leave things behind for the next generations. We know how great it is to have things from our ancestors, our descendants will probably feel the same way about our things.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I was reorganizing where I keep things I have kept from when I was a kid and that's how this idea came up. I said hey, wait a minute...what about me?

  2. Like Betty, I think this is a great idea!

  3. Great idea. I've got some of those high school poems too. One thing, I think you have your poems in one of those sticky/plastic cover photo albums? They are horrible for preserving things. You might want to get some acid free mylar sleeves and put them in those instead. Did you ever look at the Memory prompts on Olive Tree
    Don't we all wish we'd find a book of memories for some ancestors?

  4. WE do tend to neglect to write stuff abt ourselves we are so busy and focused on others. I like this idea!

  5. Both poems are striking. I like them! They both use metaphors of water -- torrential rain or plunging beneath the surface -- to describe overwhelming emotional states. Very effective.

    You make a very good point that as family historians, we need to remember to write ourselves into the family history . . . in between the times when we're writing all about our ancestors.

  6. Andrea,

    I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Great idea, Andrea! I'm so focused on my ancestors that I forget about myself.

    1. Me too Debi. I finally decided to take the time out and just do it.


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