Sometimes It's The Little Things That Make Me So Happy

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On my last post, Amanuensis Monday: The Will of Rosa Mitchell Jones, I got the biggest kick out of one the little things revealed by the will. I bet many of you can relate to this next topic. I have discovered ancestors with middle initials that I have no idea what they stand for.  You'll go around asking different family members, "Hey, Do you know what such and such's middle name was?" You ask maybe in just a little too excited tone of voice and your family looks at you like, "Okay is that middle initial really all that important?" Well, for me it is. I don't know. I just like to know as much as possible about my ancestors and yes even those teeny weeny little details, I get excited about. 

The relative with the mystery middle initial this time was Frank M. Bryant, the grandson of Rosa Mitchell Jones. Frank was the eldest child to my great grandparents Frank and Ophelia Bryant of Morehead City, NC. No one in the family knew what the M stood for until I found this will. Lo and behold it was Mitchell. Now, I had suspected that it might have been this prior to finding the will, but I had no documentation. So when I came across it with laptop in lap while watching TV with my husband, you probably can guess what happened. Hubby was all enthralled in the program we were watching and here I go yelling "A-HA!  I knew it!" Startled, he looks at me in that manner that says, okay I married a crazy person. Then he kindly asks "What?" That's when I tell him my grand uncle's middle name was Mitchell.

Silly, right? Well not for me. I found this picture today online and I found it fitting to describe how I feel, when I make these little discoveries. How about you? Do any of you celebrate the little discoveries?


  1. Celebrate? You know it!

    But I had to laugh at people wondering if the middle initial was really all that important. When I ask my mom questions she often says "what difference does it make when so and so died?" I remind her over and over and OVER again that it makes a huge difference to me. And one time she told me "you could say whatever you want and no one would be the wiser". Yeah, sure. Sigh.

    1. Okay, I feel a lot better now that I know I am not alone on this. I love the details too. Thanks Debi!

  2. Andrea, I understand completely.

    Debi, my husband says that kind of stuff too, about nobody knowing the difference

    1. Thanks Kristin! I am glad others feel this way. I am not crazy. LOL

  3. I got excited when I discovered my Great Grandfather's Middle name...LOL I thought it was Elander, and one day when I was looking at a last testament document I discovered it was Evans! I would have never guessed.

    I am so happy for you!!!

    1. Awwe thanks Yvette! I am glad you were able to find out your great grandfather's middle name.

  4. Yes, I also consider a middle name a real "find." Often in my family (their names are so densely repetitive), it reappears as a first or last name. Sometimes I can even guess what an initial stands for! I can seriously relate to your excitement -- it's no stranger than Hubby being excited at a touchdown, say, or a 3-point shot in basketball. Wills can be treasures of information and relationships. Congrats on your find!


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