Ready, Set, Blog!

Ready, Set, Blog!  How Did I Get Here?  My Amazing Genealogy Journey --Happy New Year, Andrea Kelleher
Happy New Year, Y'all!

Yup, that's me taking a selfie before the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve. It was a pretty laid back night at my house. It was the hubby, myself and the two kids enjoying time together and counting our blessings. We really have a lot to be thankful for. The number one thing we are all thankful for is that my husband is still here! What happened to him? Well, he had two heart attacks over a two day period back on December 11--12th and scared the crap out of all us. Luckily, he underwent a cardiac catheterization which revealed he had a single blockage in one of his arteries. The blockage was removed and they placed a stent inside. He was back home with the kids and I by the afternoon of the 13th. The whole thing has been a bit surreal. 

When something like that happens, it wakes you up. You see how little control we have over our lives. One moment you may be here, the next gone. You hug your loved ones tighter, tell them you love them more often. You savor their presence versus the presents during the holiday season.

So since tomorrow isn't promised to any of us, I am committing to blog more often. The more often I write and share my own memories, the more my children will know about me. The more I write about my ancestors, then there's more cousin bait out there to catch someone's attention. There's no time like the present so...

Ready, Set ...Blog!


  1. Oh, what a shocker, Andrea! Thank God all turned out well and the blockage was discovered before it was too late. I know exactly what you mean about "how little control we have over our lives." When your own heart stops working correctly, it is as if the ground you are standing on no longer can hold you up. A very unsettling feeling. It also makes a person ever so much more aware of how much we have to depend on others. No matter how independent we may think we are, it's times like that which make you realize how much help we really need.

    I'm glad your husband is on the mend, and hope your children are feeling a bit more secure about their dad's future. Yeah, being grateful for the "presence" is the most meaningful thing about this holiday--actually, for every day, as well!

    1. No man is an island. We really do depend on each other. You are right about how unsettling it can feel when something goes wrong with your heart. That's what Tom has been saying since he had the attack. Thank you for your concern, Jacqi

  2. How scary Andrea! Glad your husband is okay now.

    1. Thanks Jana! He is doing much better now. The drugs he has to take now have some side effects (says they make him feel a bit sluggish and he usually runs cold now) He's really not complaining though. He knows how lucky he was.

  3. I try to remember that each and everyday around here too. You just never know, but so far, so good. I look forward to reading your blog in 2015!

    1. And I look forward to reading yours! Here's to a productive 2015!

  4. All the best to you and yours in 2015.

  5. It made me scared!! Good thing, your husband is alive and I am glad that he is doing well. Thank you the LORD for him to be ALIVE!!! Whew!!! Happy New Year to you and your family, Andrea Kelleher!!! :-D

    1. It was definitely scary. Thankfully, we still have him around and he's feeling more like his old self. God was looking out for him. Happy New Year to you and yours as well! :)


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