Another Memory Board --Murrell Family

On my post, The Book Of Me: Prompt 23 --Memory Board, I shared my first virtual memory board that featured my ancestors with ties to Morehead City, NC.  Last night while watching TV with the family I made this one which channels my Murrell family line.

Another Memory Board --Murrell Family  --How Did I Get Here? My Amazing Genealogy Journey
(Left to right  -Top row:  Me and my paternal grandmother, Ethel Smith Murrell, My dad's sister Janice Murrell and my dad, pair of cats that used to sit on the fireplace mantle at my grandparents house, my grandma again with my brother. 2nd row:  My brother and my paternal grandpa, Harold Murrell, aunt Janice and my dad, my grandparents on their wedding day, them again a bit older, Janice and dad again. Bottom row:  Harold Murrell with his brother Rupert Murrell, Me, my dad and my brother sitting together at our house in Cambria Heights, My grandpa Harold with aunt Janice as a baby, grandpa again dressed in a suit, father and son (grandpa and dad), grandma Ethel and me as a baby.)

What do you think? Not bad right? I like this having all these faces together in one spot. I like visiting with my ancestors through pictures. Too bad the pictures can't give hugs. :)

© 2014, copyright Andrea Kelleher. All rights reserved.


  1. I love this. What did you use to make this board. I would like to do one too.

    1. I found an image on Pixabay that I liked that I used for the background, uploaded it to Fotor Photo Collage website and my pictures and created it there. It was a lot of fun. :)

  2. Beautiful collage, and very touching way to honor family.

  3. you're right, too bad you can't get hugs from them. But this is a nice collage.


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