Yesterday Was A Good Day!

Yesterday was one of those days when you get a surprise and you are just floored and excited all at the same time. I was having my morning coffee and checking into Facebook, reading my news feed when I noticed I had a new friend request. I didn't recognize the name but noticed we had a friend in common and they were from North Carolina so I accepted his request. A couple of minutes go by and then. Bam! There it was. I gasped and my hand went to cover my mouth as I stared in awe at two wonderful faces. Faces I've waited so long to see and there they were. There they were!

These ladies were two of the children of David Sampson and Mary Jane Mitchell Sampson. This is how I am connected to them. My 2nd great grandmother Rosa Mitchell Jones was their mother's sister. I have to send out a huge thanks to a gentleman by the name of Michael Grushinski who had this wonderful picture of my 1st cousins 3x removed.  Thank you for sharing your memories of them with me. This picture was taken on the family land sometime during the 1960's

You know I can't stop smiling!

You can read more about Annie and Effie in these posts:

Thankful Thursday: Thank Goodness For The Kindness Of Strangers --Part One

Thank Goodness For The Kindness Of Strangers --Part Two


  1. This was a Good day! Glad you got this picture. I love when people are able to lend a hand and give you acts of kindness every now and then. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks True! It was such a great way to start off my day. Like you said thank goodness for acts of kindness like this.

  2. Aww, I like the pics too with the cornfield or the two rows of corn in the background. Funny I read the related post about the sisters and I recently went to a birthday party (80th) for my grandfather's niece. Well another niece recall their grandfather which was my great-grandfather as being light skinned (Is that how you supposed to say it? LOL!) with RED freckles and she meant RED freckles. I guess I need to find out where these red freckles come from, besides Nash county, NC.

    1. Hi Minnie, yes it would be interesting to find out where those red freckles did come from. Don't you love hearing stories like that? Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. My wife took the picture about 1967 when her family was visiting the Grushinskis. We are looking for another picture she took of Annie and Effie on their porch. I'll scan and forward it to Michael when we find it.

    1. Oh wow! Thank you so so much! My mother and I were so thrilled to have seen this picture. Thank you and please pass our thanks on to your wife as well.


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